A DAUGHTER A daughter is that bundle of joy you stare at, when God gives her to you. A daughter is that tiny person you promise your life to. A daughter is that child you help with her first step, |
the one you coach when she starts to talk. |
A daughter is the on you stay up for when she feels really bad, |
that child you comfort when her heart is broken and she is so sad.. A daughter is that special friend who will argue and love you until the very end.. This is a daughter, and much, much more. |
She is someone you will always hold dear, close to your heart is where she'll be, until your last breath, and you cry that last tear. |
She's a gift from God that is dear, and that is why you always hold her near. |
:-) |
A Dozen Roses |
My dear sweet love, lover of my dream, |
I give to you love's gentle stream |
and a dozen roses that you might see how very much you mean to me. These gentle roses with softest heads, resting beautiful in garden-beds, arise with sudden loving grace for you to hold within your vase. And should you miss me ever all look to where the petals fall; and though some things are meant to die, all rare and beautiful things are bound to fly. And therefore, I'll fly into your heart and connect the distance which keeps us apart. |
@}------> One for the depth of your feeling @}------> one for the gentleness of your caress @}------> one for your love-light so appealing @}------> and one for the way we unite. @}------> One to plant us in the earth @}------> one to blossom in love's angelic light @}------> one to bring us joy and laughter @}------> one to be favored in your sight. @}------> One to show my soul's angelic color @}------> one to fly the skies above @}------> one for the soul mate I've found in you @}------> and one for the flowering hands of love. |
:-) |
A Lover's Prayer Now I lay me down to sleep I pray your love my soul to keep. If you must leave before I wake I give to you my heart to take. And every night and every day The two of us who do not pray Confirm our vow to always be In loving arms eternally. |
Now I lay you down to see That I love you as you love me. Ill try to make my peace with time Until the day you're mine. Now I vow with all my soul To work with you to reach our goal When I first saw you and you saw me We knew that we were meant to be. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray your love my soul to keep. If you must leave before I wake I give to you my heart to take. :-) |
A Poet's Heart Love pools within tender eyes, fed by a weeping heart. Teardrops, hot with heartache, cold in disappointment contain you. You flow, slowly down, pearly skin, |
That once glowed with the touch of your spirit. The pendulum of the poet's heart, arcs extreme to extreme, Never content in the safety, of grace. The cost of ecstasy? Agony . . . As the Mourning Dove now coos her song of despair, That price seems too immense! :-) |
Angeleyes |
Angel the keeper of all the love in my heart |
Never letting anyone close enough to let hurt inside |
Giving and giving of myself, but never really receiving |
Eternity of waiting for the appear |
Leaving everything else behind, hoping for that true love will return |
Every breathe, every word, every touch placed as a memory in my heart |
Years gone by or maybe just weeks |
Eternal love, desire, and emotion, so close to me but yet so far |
Still searching for answers, still hoping for things to be.... |
:-) |
Arrows of Tears As I set in my room, with only the light of this screen to illumine me, I look off into the darkness and see the ghosts of my lost loves. The passions of my past shoot arrows from the darkness into my heart, dipped in memories and. Laced with my tears of yesterday's grief. I am haunted with thoughts of what might have been. Now, in lucid moments, reality, once hidden tucked in tight between, My deepest hopes and dreams, emerges. Like a Sage with a prophecy. I glimpse the future; and, I am shown your face there in the darkness � I gasp, as I see you there among them . . . With a searing pain, whimpers escape from deep within my heart. And, I cry the tears, for you� To dip your arrows in tomorrow! |
:-) |
Be There |
Don't hurt me, my heart is sensitive; like a piece of blown glass. |
I'm not looking for sex or lust, I want this to last. |
Be there for me when I cannot sleep, hold me when I can only weep. |
Don't hurt me, my soul is afraid; scared of being stolen away. |
I'm not looking for just "right now," I want you every day. |
Be there when I need to talk, understand if I need to walk. |
Don't hurt me, my body is weak; of all the promised love taken back. |
I'm not looking for lies, I want only the truth spoke. |
Be there to hold me when I cry, be the one to wipe my tears dry. |
:-) |
Death of the Spirit My spirit is adrift. The once magnificent sailing ship, Is now vegetating in the gloom. The sails that used to catch the wind, Have been shredded in the violent storms. By day it burns � by night it freezes, It cries for help but no one hears. The numbing darkness encircles it and, Each day it detaches more From Life, from hope, from love! And yet, with its last flicker, It thirsts . . . For the love of life giving, whispering water. |
:-) |
Dedicated To the One I Love |
The one I love is fair and wise, |
Kind and charming with a twinkle in his eyes. |
His eyes can tell me, That our love is meant to be. |
Our love knows no end, if one is found, it will again begin. |
He knows me and I know him, experience counts to know within. |
Within each other is a special place, a place that may be traced. |
But to be traced you have to be a dove, a dove that knows the one it loves. |
The one I love is fair and wise, kind and charming with a twinkle in his eyes. |
:-) |
Emptiness |
I feel such sadness As if a part of me has gone away Perhaps it's the illusion that now fades As you walk on by without a face. The memory of what we shared will linger In my heart and soul it lives The feelings that you triggered did not just die When you chose to say good-bye. Emptiness is what I feel Now that your voice I do not hear That sweet sound that brought a smile I fear has disappeared. |
:-) |
Friendship |
Each of us has a hidden place somewhere deep within us; a place where we go to get away, to think things through, to be alone, to be ourselves. |
This unique place, where we confront our deepest feelings, becomes a storehouse of all our hopes, all our needs, all our dreams, and even our unspoken fears. |
It includes the essence of who we are and what we want to be. |
But now and then, whether by chance or design, someone discovers a way into that place we thought was ours alone. |
And we allow that person to see, to feel and to share all the reason, all the uncertainty and all the emotion we've stored up there. |
That person adds new perspective to our hidden realm, then quietly settles down in his own corner of our special place, where a bit of himself will stay forever. |
And we call that person a friend. |
:-) |
Of all the people I have ever know, seen or really met. |
I have never met, seen, or known anyone so right for one another. |
I love you so much and just saying so, sometimes frustrates me. |
At times its difficult trying to express my feelings for you, |
and then I feel I can only express my feelings in the form of true love. |
When you and are actually touching and loving each other in such a way, |
then soft feelings become really apparent. |
When the love for one another takes precedence over everything else, |
then true love occurs at its best. |
When I make love to you, I will put you first. |
I will care about your feelings and how you feel at the moment. |
I will love you like you have never been loved before, |
because I love you now more than you can ever be loved. |
:-) |
Heart Cry |
Two hearts reaching out full of questions, but with no doubt knowing |
I can't do without. |
That other heart so far away calling to her every day precious Lover, |
Please stay! |
Without using words you say so much your heart and mind |
is hundreds of miles away, yet you're next to me and I feel your touch your slightest caress and my walls turn to dust. |
Do you hear my heart answer yours late in the night? |
Whispering softly all will be all right, so don't give up, and hold on tight. |
To my heart, as mine holds fast to yours allow me to gently tend to your hurts |
let me prove by my love how much you are worth I know how some days it gets so hard the way our hearts ache at being apart, just don't forget this is only the start. The day will come when our heart's lie at rest your ear will hear the heartbeat in my chest, as I stroke your hair and gladly confess, |
that I long for our hearts to intertwine all the details we'll conquer in time, |
until I can be yours, and you can be mine. |
I love your heart . . . |