Midnight Memories |
In the dark velvet night, all the world is asleep |
But I'm still awake, while these shadows are deep the cool night wind whispers, somehow I find all my memories of you swiftly run through my mind . . . |
The first time I saw you that first time, I knew that forever and ever my love would be you. I'll always remember every now and then, the love that we had and what might have been, for now I'll just stay here in the dark velvet night, |
still in my heart, dreaming you're holding me tight |
Wherever you go and whatever you do, I'll hold in my heart these sweet memories of you. |
Meadow |
I lay in the meadow where my soul is free. |
To think of the loves that were so close to me. |
They have been there for me to always see . |
Thank God they�re no longer with me. |
They have stripped my love and all of its life . |
Now all I have to remember them by is trouble and pain. |
I�ll stay right here in the meadow to lay. |
No more loves to ever hurt me again in that such a way |
Nor make me feel like a prisoner of my own heart |
let them dear god be the one�s to feel my pain |
cause for me I can not love and feel all this pain |
and still remain sane. |
Miracle |
I never thought I�d ever need someone so much as I need you. |
I�ve realized you�re all my dreams come true. |
You have the power to brighten my day in every way. |
I can�t explain my feelings for you, |
except to say that you make me feel like a shooting star reaching for the moon. |
Once we�re finally together once again. |
I�ll give you all that I have my love, my life and me. |
We shouldn�t dwell upon the past, try to resolve all the obstacles around us, |
look toward the future. |
To let you know this love is true I�ll give my heart and soul to you. |
Cause honey. True love takes a miracle to find. |
Magical Dreams |
You came to me again last night; |
I felt your presence before you even touched me. |
Your kiss was soft on my lips as you lay next to me in the moonlight, |
my body against yours. |
The heat from your skin caused raging infernos to ignite within me. |
As I felt your fingers stroking my hair, |
your lips burned a trail of kisses down my neck. |
I want to be one with you, to feel you make love to me tenderly. |
A sweet sensual torture and a release, just for it to begin again. However, this time you just wanted to hold me close to you. |
A promise that you will return to me every night in my dreams, |
until we can be finally be together. |
I know one day it will be for real, your touches and your kisses. |
To hear my name whispered from your lips as I administer the same sweet torture to your body. |
The feel of my hands upon your flesh as I caress you softly, |
the warmth of our bodies as we join as one. When the last ray of moonlight slips below the western horizon, |
each stolen kiss is returned with the rising sun. |
The end is near, I hold you close to me for as long as I can. |
Then as magically as you appeared, |
you slip back into the waning shadows as the rays of a light scare them away. |
I bid you farewell my love, |
for there is a promise on your lips to return when the shadows claim the land once again. I know in my heart for now that I can have you in my dreams till the dawn overtakes them, |
one day soon I will awaken and still be in your arms. |
You will stay long after the shadows have disappeared. |
Together or apart, our love crosses unending miles to bring your love to me. |
The love Letter |
My Dearest Lover, |
I am counting the days til we are finally together,when I can touch your face and hold your body. I want to look so deep into your eyes that you will know you are forever loved. I want to kiss you so sweetly, that you will forever taste me on your lips. I want to run my nails down your back, My fingers through your hair, And entangle my body with yours. |
I want to enslave you, like a person dying from thirst, I will always leave you wanting more.But I will always more than satisfy your every desire.I want to love you so much, you will think I want to own your soul. But it�s not your soul I�m after, only your heart, and your love. |
If I ever win your heart, I will love protect, and cherish it forever. |
Like the sun rising in the morning, lighting the dew on the grass; |
So will your love light my darkness, And so shall I electrify your soul. |
Together forever in love |
Together for life. |
You�ve captured my love |
My words of love are hard to share. |
should I tell you this or would I dare. |
Now, its time for you to be aware. |
I want you to know that I truly care. |
When I hear your voice, I am at home. |
The feelings of love that I have known |
For you, my love that I have shown. |
My love has only nurtured and grown |
but, for right now we are a distance apart . |
I�d love to take long walks with |
you in the park |
with the passion that runs deep |
within my heart. |
That you�ve captured my love |
right from the start. |
Love is the fury of the storm |
the calm of the rainbow. |
Love is the source of passion |
Love is giving and taking in a daily situation |
being patient with each other's |
needs and desires |
Love is the source of sharing |
Love is knowing that the other person |
will always be with you |
regardless of what happens |
Missing the other person when they are away |
but remaining near in heart at all times. |
Love is the source of security |
Love is the source of life |
Your Promise... |
When my life was empty and void, |
you came and held my hand close to your heart |
And promised me a life of happiness and prosperity. |
On the way, we encountered the sharp turns and strains of life. |
Upset I was that you were not keeping up your |
promises of keeping me happy... |
In spite of my sharp and angry words, |
you held my hand tightly and nudged us ahead and ahead in life. |
Today as I look back, I realize that it was the strength, |
and your support that made me have some faith, |
and confidence in our future... |
And now more than ever I realize that the true meaning of your promise |
was that you would always be there for me come rain or sunshine. |
And which I can now say is the toughest promise to keep of all! |
Thank you for your support, love and for keeping up your promise. |
You Are Special to Me |
For a long time now, |
I have wanted to tell you what a difference knowing you, |
has made in my life. |
Although we have separate lives now, |
and seldom see each other, |
I have many pleasant memories of our time together. |
The curve of your sweet smile, |
the twinkle in your eyes, |
the way the wind flows through your hair, |
the sound of your laughter, |
the taste of your lips. |
Those memories will remain with me -- always. |
Thank you really doesn't seem like it is enough to say. |
I owe you so much for being my friend and so much more |
for showing me what patience means, |
for allowing me to be part of your life, |
for opening my eyes to the beauty, |
and love in the world. |
In thanking you for all you have been |
and all you mean to me, |
remember this you will always have a special place in my heart. |
Answer these Questions |
Would you allow me? |
Would you allow me to lie next to you, |
better yet on top of you or beneath you? |
Would you allow me to strip you of your clothing, |
placing your body beneath my sheets? |
Would you allow me to trace your body with my fingertips, |
better yet my tongue? |
Would you allow me to kiss your mouth, |
letting our tongues engage in an erotic dance? |
Would you allow me to trace your lips with not only my fingertips, |
but with the tip of my tongue? |
Would you allow me to tug at your ears with my teeth, |
tracing and tickling them with my tongue? |
Would you allow me to kiss your neck, |
letting my tongue wander to your heart of tenderness? |
Would you allow me to take your nipples between my lips, |
licking, flicking, sucking, and nibbling? |
Would you allow me to let my hands wander to your thighs, |
only to find that you are hard with anticipation? |
Would you allow me to place my fingers around your ****, |
slowly, in search of your body's electricity? |
Would you allow my mouth and my lips and my tongue, |
the chance to search out your body's sweet electricity? |
Would you allow me to send your body into a rhythm, to watch, to feel, |
and to experience each of your muscles tightening? |
Would you allow me to bring your body to its ultimate climax, |
yearning to feel your fingernails dig into my skin? |
Would you allow me to bring your body back down to earth, |
to softly kiss your mouth, giving you a taste of what I constantly crave? |
Would you allow me to lay behind you, and mold to your body with my arm around you until we reach a soft and peaceful sleep? |
I think you would... |
The Night Caresses The Moon |
I awake to the feel of the cool sheets My body next to your body You give me that great smile Looking deep in my soul Wanting Needing I drown in your eyes. |
To The Love Of My life |
How can I ever tell you the way you make me feel? |
How does one describe being loved by someone like you? |
You are the light in my life, |
the reason I get up each morning |
is to see your gorgeous face smiling at me. |
My thoughts always return to the thought of you and no matter where I am, |
you are on my mind. |
You are everything to me, my best friend, |
my lover, my lover, my mate for life. |
Without you, emptiness would over come every corner of my heart. |
To me you are like some heavenly being and I look at you with respect and wonder |
because I marvel at how wonderful you are. |
Perhaps you disagree with what I say. |
You think you are much lower than the angel I�m describing. |
But you�re wrong to me you are more special, |
more gorgeous, more wonderful than any ocean or sunset or angel could ever be. |
You are the love of my life. |
Til Death Do Us Part |
Would it scare you to know, |
I mean to truly see how intensely I love you, |
and what you really mean to me. |
Could I ever express the feelings that are consuming me, |
how you've changed who I am and set my soul free. |
Should I hide my fears, or let them be known, |
the fears of losing you, of growing old all alone. |
Would it upset you to know there is fear in my heart, |
fear that you'll stop loving me, and it will tear me apart. |
You've given me a feeling of calm, contentment, a peace of mind. |
You've shown me a depth of love that I thought I would never find. |
A combination of love and friendship you give so unconditionally |
The kind of longing and passion that I didn't think existed for me |
You say you feel lucky that I'm willing to do so much for you. |
You gave me your love and all that I�ve ever known |
Don't you understand this is not a choice whether I love you or not |
I must be with you to be complete, it doesn't matter to me how. |
Yes, there is doubt in your mind, |
and love in your heart that much is true |
But it no longer feels like a whole person, |
my life is with you, my home is with you |
My family and friends are here, and here they will always be. |
I can go on away from them,but I can't live without your kiss |
Please promise you'll always love me, that you will never grow tired |
Promise you'll always want me,that you won't lose your desire |
I'll promise to always stand by you and love you with all my heart |
I'll promise to cherish you forever, until death do us part. |